Search warrant at a home in Fort St. John nets drugs, cash & vehicles…

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Fort St. John man was arrested following a search warrant last week…

Acting on tips from the public, RCMP learned of a suspicious home in the 10700 block of 102nd Ave on May 30, 2024. The Street Enforcement Team initiated an investigation into the residence and executed a search warrant on June 10, 2024.

During the search warrant, officers located evidence of trafficking illicit cannabis and psilocybin. Police located approximately $26,000 in cash, 5 kilograms of suspected cannabis, 2.7 kilograms of cannabis edibles, and 700 grams of psilocybin.

Seizure of drugs and cash from a search warrant in Fort St. John on June 10, 2024. – RCMP Photo.

Additionally, two vehicles were seized during the search warrant, one that was used in trafficking the contraband, and the second that is believed to be proceeds of crime. An adult man was arrested during the search warrant and was released pending further investigation.

The investigation revealed that youth were frequenting the residence and it is believed that the suspect was trafficking to the youth. A/Cpl Connor Watson states this recent search warrant is a continuing effort from the Street Enforcement Team to suppress the trafficking of contraband in Fort St John. The presence of youth at the residence was concerning which made this a priority for the police.

Cannabis Regulations do not allow for packaging to be enticing to children or youth (i.e. bright colours), and police want parents to be aware that illicit edible or dab pen packaging that contain cannabis can appear similar to regular candy packaging.

The investigation continues. Fort St. John

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